OMNET++ MOBILE COMPUTING PROJECTS is based on the use of battery powered, portable, and wireless computing and communication devices, like smart mobile phones, wearable computers and personal digital assistants.
Mobile computing technologies:
- Cellular digital packet data.
- Internet.
- Satellite.
- ARDIS data network.
- RAM and .
- GSM.
Mobile computing projects:
- 5G challenges.
- LTE.
- LTE-A.
- Hand over management process.
- 4G applications.
Download Sample Source Code for OMNeT++ Mobile Computing Projects
[code lang="js"] void MobilityBase::setInitialPosition() { // reading the coordinates from omnetpp.ini makes predefined scenarios a lot easier bool filled = false; if (hasPar("initFromDisplayString") && par("initFromDisplayString").boolValue() && visualRepresentation) { filled = parseIntTo(visualRepresentation->getDisplayString().getTagArg("p", 0), lastPosition.x) && parseIntTo(visualRepresentation->getDisplayString().getTagArg("p", 1), lastPosition.y); if (filled) lastPosition.z = 0; } // not all mobility models have "initialX", "initialY" and "initialZ" parameters else if (hasPar("initialX") && hasPar("initialY") && hasPar("initialZ")) { lastPosition.x = par("initialX"); lastPosition.y = par("initialY"); lastPosition.z = par("initialZ"); filled = true; } if (!filled) lastPosition = getRandomPosition(); } void MobilityBase::checkPosition() { if (!isFiniteNumber(lastPosition.x) || !isFiniteNumber(lastPosition.y) || !isFiniteNumber(lastPosition.z)) throw cRuntimeError("Mobility position is not a finite number after initialize (x=%g,y=%g,z=%g)", lastPosition.x, lastPosition.y, lastPosition.z); if (isOutside()) throw cRuntimeError("Mobility position (x=%g,y=%g,z=%g) is outside the constraint area (%g,%g,%g - %g,%g,%g)", lastPosition.x, lastPosition.y, lastPosition.z, constraintAreaMin.x, constraintAreaMin.y, constraintAreaMin.z, constraintAreaMax.x, constraintAreaMax.y, constraintAreaMax.z); } void MobilityBase::handleMessage(cMessage * message) { if (message->isSelfMessage()) handleSelfMessage(message); else throw cRuntimeError("Mobility modules can only receive self messages"); } [/code]