OMNET++ LTE commonly referred as Long Term Evolution or 4G1. LTE is also famously known for next generation wireless communications.We provide best OMNeT++ LTE Projects for simulation of wireless communication to Engineering Students and Research Scholars.IT is now the standard nationwide public safety broadband. LTE will allow access to digital technology which can deliver expanded capabilities for public safety practitioners.
Benefits of LTE:
- Wide range of terminals.
- Connection-setup latency.
- Lower data transfer. and
- Simplicity
- Improved support vehicles moving at high speeds.
Reason for LTE:
- In order to enhance subscriber experience.
- Reduce operational expenditures.
- Prepare access network for the onslaught of data intense applications.
- Upgrade the networks.
Challenges on LTE:
- Voice over LTE challenges
- Regulatory challenges
- Backhaul
- Complexity and backward compatibility
- Power consumption reduction

Download Sample Source Code for OMNeT++ LTE PROJECTS
[code lang="js"] void LteBinder::setTransportAppPort(cModule* module, unsigned int counter, cXMLAttributeMap attr) { cXMLAttributeMap::iterator jt; jt = attr.find("type"); std::string appType = jt->second; std::string basePort; int port; if (appType == "VoIPSender") { // read the destination base port from xml basePort = attr.find("baseDestPort")->second; // Add an offset equal to the number of app of the same type that have been already configured port = atoi(basePort.c_str()) + counter; EV << "LteBinder::setTransportAppPort - setting dest port to " << port << endl; module->par("destPort") = port; } else if (appType == "VoIPReceiver") { // read the local base port from xml. basePort = attr.find("baseLocalPort")->second; // Add an offset equal to the number of app of the same type that have been already configured port = atoi(basePort.c_str()) + counter; EV << "LteBinder::setTransportAppPort - setting Local port to " << port << endl; module->par("localPort") = port; } } void LteBinder::parseParam(cModule* module, cXMLAttributeMap attr) { cXMLAttributeMap::iterator it; for (it = attr.begin(); it != attr.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "num" || it->first == "type" || it->first == "baseLocalPort" || it->first == "baseDestPort") continue; // FIXME numbers could start with negative sign - or even space !!! if (isdigit((it->second)[0])) { if (it->second.find(".") != string::npos) module->par((it->first).c_str()) = atof((it->second).c_str()); else module->par((it->first).c_str()) = atoi((it->second).c_str()); } else module->par((it->first).c_str()) = it->second; } } [/code]