OPENFLOW OMNET++ is the promising area of future internet technology. OpenFlow has as great potential for enhancing current internet with new functionalities with better scheme.OpenFlow OMNeT++ code for enabling new smarter application to be created.
Behavior of controller:
- Forwarding behavior.
- Switch behavior.
Types of openflow nodes:
- Utility modules.
- Spanning tree module.
- Openflow nodes.
- Openflow controller.
- Openflow switch.
Control plane functionalities in OPENFLOW:
- Handling of controller-to-switch messages.
- Handling of unmatched packets.
- Communication with controller.
Download Sample Source Code for OMNeT++ OpenFlow
[code lang="js"] void OFA_controller::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) { if (msg->isSelfMessage()) { cMessage *data_msg = (cMessage *) msg->getContextPointer(); delete msg; processQueuedMsg(data_msg); if (msg_list.empty()) { busy = false; } else { cMessage *msgfromlist = msg_list.front(); msg_list.pop_front(); char buf[80]; sprintf(buf, " %d pakets in queue", msg_list.size()); getParentModule()->getDisplayString().setTagArg("t", 0, buf); std::list<cMessage *>::iterator i = msg_list.begin(); while (i!=msg_list.end()) { EV << (*i)->getFullPath() << endl; i++; } cMessage *event = new cMessage("event"); event->setContextPointer(msgfromlist); scheduleAt(simTime()+serviceTime, event); } } else { if (busy) { msg_list.push_back(msg); } else { busy = true; cMessage *event = new cMessage("event"); event->setContextPointer(msg); scheduleAt(simTime()+serviceTime, event); } } } [/code]