OMNET++ TUTORIAL PDF offers an Eclipse-based IDE, a graphical runtime environment, and a host of other tools.There are extensions for real-time simulation, network emulation, database integration, SystemC integration, and several other functions
Platforms supported by omnet++:
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac OS X
- Other Unix-like systems.
Graphical features of OMNET++:
- Background grid.
- Icon sizing.
- Background image.
- Coloring.
- Transmission range.
- Default icons.
Sample code for OMNET++:
This is the sample code of enodeB in LTE.
[code lang="js"] module eNodeB { parameters: @node(); @display("i=device/antennatower;bgb=300,300"); string nodeType = "ENODEB"; // DO NOT CHANGE int macNodeId = default(0); // TODO: this is not a real parameter int macCellId = default(0); // TODO: this is not a real parameter double txPower @unit(mw) = default(100mw); gates: inout ppp; // connection to LteIP peer input radioIn @directIn; // connection to slave submodules: notificationBoard: NotificationBoard { @display("p=50,25;is=s"); } interfaceTable: InterfaceTable { @display("p=50,75;is=s"); } // TODO: should not include a routing table routingTable: RoutingTable { @display("p=50,125;is=s"); } mobility: StationaryMobility { @display("p=50,175;is=s"); } deployer: LteDeployer { @display("p=50,225;is=s"); } nic: LteNicEnb { nodeType = nodeType; @display("p=150,250"); } ppp: PPPInterface { @display("p=250,250"); } nodeConfigurator: IPv4NodeConfigurator { @display("p=50,272"); } connections allowunconnected: nic.radioIn <-- radioIn; ppp.phys <--> ppp; nic.upperLayerOut --> ppp.upperLayerIn; ppp.upperLayerOut --> nic.upperLayerIn; } [/code]