OMNET++ NETWORK PROJECTS is a discrete event network simulator to create model with various network. We ensure OMNET++ as distributed system to make module in simulation environment. We offer M.E network project OMNET++ ensure support to complete final year projects in network environment. We establish all communication, vanet; network, SDN and body area network projects for students are simulated under OMNET++ environment. We perform OMNET++ simulation to verify various algorithm and protocols.
Communication projects in OMNET++:
We developed more than 100+ projects in communication under OMNET++ simulation. We listed some OMNET++ simulation project environment are:
- Design various hardware distributed system.
- Protocol design and verification.
- Support wired and wireless communication design.
- Multiprocessor system model.
Vanet network goal:
- Communication done by sensor vehicle to reach end point.
- Eliminate regular network disconnection.
- Based on condition in network, node can act as server/client.
- Provide inter communication among node to prevent from accident.
OMNET++ library:
We provide OMNET++ simulation to monitor network process and compute interaction among every node with real world application we listed some simulation class libraries are:
Provide library class for static & dynamic estimations.
- Accurate result classes.
- Channel, module, gate parameter.
- Reflection support for C++.
- Data collection with classes.
- Container class.
- Transient detection.
- Accuracy detection.
MIXIM hide complexity simulation and provide convenient user interface MIXIM formed by various module libraries are:
- Libraries for channel simulator.
- Mobile node framework.
- MAC simulator library.
- Mobility framework.
OMNET++ ensures graphical user interface (GUI) and major advantage to deploy various communication based application in OMNET++ environment. We offer communication projects like WI-MAX, WI-FI and ZigBee based application are developed under OMNET++ environment from Elsevier paper.
MIXIM projects:
We implement MIXIM framework which is extended from OMNET++ simulation environment. We provide support to simulate wireless, wired and communication based network. We ensure MIXIM framework as strong tool to facilitate & convey message in wireless networks.
Vehicular Adhoc network based projects:
We evolve vehicular Adhoc network as bench mark technology in Adhoc network. We ensure vehicular network communication to organize between road side units and discharge interference as noise, signal & people. We provide vanet which consider every vehicle into wireless network router & node. Transmission of one node to another node is performed to monitor & avoid collision in vanet communication.
Wireless sensor network and platform:
We simulate wireless sensor network under OMNET++ framework which is determined by sensim framework. We categorize wireless sensor network framework as:
Inet framework:
Inet framework modules are given by 802.11 and ppp (point to point protocol).
Mobility framework:
Ensure strength to node mobility connection and wireless medium as dynamic medium we give modules by 802.11 and CSMA (carrier sense multiple access).