OMNET++ PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL has a domain-specific functionality such as support for sensor networks, wireless ad-hoc networks, Internet protocols, performance modeling, photonic networks, etc., is provided by model frameworks, develope as independent projects.OMNeT++ provides component architecture for models. Components (modules)are programmed in C++, and then assembled into larger components and models using a high-level language (NED).
OMNET++ simulation:
OMNeT++ IDE makes it possible to run simulations directly from the integrated environment. It is possible to run a simulation as a normal C/C++ application and perform C++ source-level debugging on it. The user can also run it as a standalone application or run batches of simulations where runs differ in module parameter settings or random number seeds.
Download Sample Source Code for OMNeT++ PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL
[code lang="js"] This is the code of PDN gateway in LTE. module PgwStandard extends NodeBase { parameters: string nodeType; // must be one between ENB and PGW @display("bgb=920,462;i=device/mainframe"); gates: inout filterGate @labels(PPPFrame-conn); submodules: trafficFlowFilter: TrafficFlowFilter { ownerType = nodeType; @display("p=813,206"); } pppInterface: PPPInterface { @display("p=727,386"); } udp: UDP { @display("p=329,206"); } gtp_user: GtpUser { @display("p=591,206"); } connections: udp.ipOut --> networkLayer.transportIn++; udp.ipIn <-- networkLayer.transportOut++; pppInterface.upperLayerOut --> trafficFlowFilter.internetFilterGateIn; pppInterface.upperLayerIn <-- gtp_user.pppGate; pppInterface.phys <--> filterGate; udp.appOut++ --> gtp_user.udpIn; gtp_user.udpOut --> udp.appIn++; trafficFlowFilter.gtpUserGateOut --> gtp_user.trafficFlowFilterGate; } [/code]