Robust Optimization of Storage Investment on Transmission Networks
This paper discusses the need for the integration of storage systems on transmission networks having renewable sources, and presents a tool for energy storage planning. The tool employs robust optimization to minimize the investment in storage units that guarantee a feasible system operation, without load or renewable power curtailment, for all scenarios in the convex hull of a discrete uncertainty set; it is termed ROSION-Robust Optimization of Storage Investment On Networks.
The computational engine in ROSION is a specific tailored implementation of a column-and-constraint generation algorithm for two-stage robust optimization problems, where a lower and an upper bound on the optimal objective function value are successively calculated until convergence. The lower bound is computed using mixed-integer linear programming and the upper bound via linear programming applied to a sequence of similar problems. ROSION is demonstrated for storage planning on the IEEE 14-bus and 118-bus networks, and the robustness of the designs is validated via Monte Carlo simulation.