OMNET++ MANET PROJECTS is wireless network that transmits data from one system to another system.OMNeT++ MANET Projects utilizes peer to peer network mode of operation which greatly increase the distance of wireless network. Manet projects helps to overcome problem of using central base station.
Characteristics of MANET:
- Every node in network acts as source and route packets to other nodes in network.
- Multi-hop routing.
- They don’t have any fixed infrastructure and the mobile nodes interrelates among themselves for communication
- Manet networks are created by independent system of mobile nodes that are connected with wireless connections and without any infrastructure.
- Dynamic network topology
Types of MANET routing protocol:
Majorly there are two different types of routing protocols are available in MANET are,
- Position based routing protocol.
- Topology based routing protocol.
- Proactive routing protocol.
- On demand routing protocol.
Benefits of MANET:
- It’s multihop network with autonomous terminal and dynamic network topology.
- This can be developed where there is less telecommunication infrastructure.
- It requires less time.
- Cost estimation is very less.
- It can be used as temporary network.
Applications of MANET:

Download Sample Source Code for OMNeT++ MANET PROJECTS
[code lang="js"] void ChannelControl::purgeOngoingTransmissions() { for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { for (TransmissionList::iterator it = transmissions[i].begin(); it != transmissions[i].end();) { TransmissionList::iterator curr = it; AirFrame *frame = *it; it++; if (frame->getTimestamp() + frame->getDuration() + TRANSMISSION_PURGE_INTERVAL < simTime()) { delete frame; transmissions[i].erase(curr); } } } } void ChannelControl::sendToChannel(RadioRef srcRadio, AirFrame *airFrame) { // NOTE: no Enter_Method()! We pretend this method is part of ChannelAccess // loop through all radios in range const RadioRefVector& neighbors = getNeighbors(srcRadio); int n = neighbors.size(); int channel = airFrame->getChannelNumber(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { RadioRef r = neighbors[i]; if (!r->isActive) { coreEV << "skipping disabled radio interface \n"; continue; } if (r->channel == channel) { coreEV << "sending message to radio listening on the same channel\n"; simtime_t delay = srcRadio->pos.distance(r->pos) / SPEED_OF_LIGHT; check_and_cast<cSimpleModule*>(srcRadio->radioModule)->sendDirect(airFrame->dup(), delay, airFrame->getDuration(), r->radioInGate); } else coreEV << "skipping radio listening on a different channel\n"; } addOngoingTransmission(srcRadio, airFrame); } [/code]